Think Curiously dramatically improves the teaching and learning for upper primary and middle school children
entering a rapidly changing world.
We inherently believe in developing students’ abilities to analyse complex issues and develop strategies and solutions for dealing with them. Along with this, Think Curiously promotes collaborative learning and peer
feedback. We strive for every
child to be curious about the world around them.
Think Curiously helps prepare students for the rapidly changing world they are entering

The one thing we are not running out of in the world is problems!
We need children who can think differently and work together to solve problems innovatively.
Think Curiously has been designed to slow students down. This means both going deeper within complex issues, as well as encouraging reflecting, editing and iterating of their own work.
We believe slowing students down in this way is a critical
component of building self-efficacy and growth mindset.

Building Student Agency!
- Creates a culture of inquiry and creativity
- Shifts from Teacher-centred to Learner-driven
- Facilitates student voice and passion
- Slows students down to reflect, edit and iterate each piece of work

Advanced Tools for Teachers
Teachers are able to adapt over 500 curriculum aligned (Australian, NSW, WA and VIC) activities, or to create their own.The platform acts as a rapid publishing tool for teachers and facilitates resource sharing among
teaching teams. Think Curiously supports both a traditional teaching approach as well as a flipped classroom methodology.
Increase Teachable Moments
- Target teaching - instant viewing of student responses
- Real time analytics to stimulate class discussion
Peer and Teacher Feedback
- Student responses may be shared for guided peer feedback
- Teacher feedback leads to clear student action
Improve Learning Process
- Set clear expectations and criteria
- Replay how students have constructed their responses
Writing Analytics
- Student writing DNA profile including: vocabulary, overused words, grammar, punctuation and spelling
- Student “Editing Score” promotes greater reflection and iteration
General Capabilities
Assists greatly in the teaching requirements of:
- Critical & Creative Thinking
- Personal & Social Capability
- Ethical Understanding
- Intercultural Understanding
Saves Teacher Time
- Hundreds of fully editable, ready-to-go activities
- Curriculum outcome breakdown reports